Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Three Challenges Of Working From Home!

I love my life and the freedom I have to create each day as I choose. One thing that allows me to do that is my choice to have my own business and work from home. I worked in an office for most of my adult life, the last time was as a REALTOR for 22 years. That qualifies me to know the difference between working in an office environment and a home office environment. They are very different in many ways, especially energetically.

The energy I have in my home office is perfect, because it is exactly what I have chosen to create. I have whatever type of noise, or lack of it, I choose...Whoa! That is not totally true. Let me explain. I work with my husband and we share the same office. Wild, yep, that's his name, (his middle name is Bill and he goes by Wild or Wild Bill) has his own energy, which is very different from mine, and often he creates his own noise. So, that being said I will get back to my thoughts for today.

I love working from home. I walk to my office, right down the hall, whenever I want, wearing whatever I choose. Our roomy office has been custom built, to our exacting standards with all the trimmings, and I enjoy spending time here.

Here are the top 3 challenges I experience working from home:

1. It is easy to get distracted. Oh my gosh, there are so many possible distractions. This is where dicipline and commitment comes into play. Making a list of all the work related activities helps keep me on track so I am able to stay focused and less likely to become distracted.

2. There are no other people around. I love people. Getting to know positive and engaging people, and exchanging ideas with them, is high on my list of enjoyable things to do. I have found networking groups and have met many wonderful people and formed great realtionships.

3. There is no one to be accountable to. I must admit I like this. However, sometimes I have to ask myself: "If I was an employee of mine would I be happy having me as an employee?" I am answering yes, more and more these days. This is another area that requires dicipline and commitment.

The benefits of working from home far outweigh the challenges and may be a future blog topic.

I am curious; if you work from home, what challenges do you face?

Bye for now,


  1. I am excited to be the first one to follow your new blog, Dyann!!
    What a wonderful journey we are traveling together! Today, my challenge is to get focused on my tasks at hand... It was easy to spend the morning in my garden, then find "busy work" to do inside. A friend of mine calls it "BBB" or busy being busy.
    Phone calls and answering emails become the biggest challenge for me, in that I always take care of those first, when I need to block off time for other business activities.
    I'll be interested in seeing other's comments on this topic.
    Take care,

  2. Robin, Thanks for the comment and thanks for being my first visitor and for following me. I am so appreciative of our friendship and love that we are on opposite sides of the country doing very much the same thing! I didn't mention all the emails and online responses to facebook etc. I love how you referred to them as BBB! Those are huge time user-uppers. I could see that being a challenge no matter where I would choose to work. I too will be interested to see any furtehr responses.
    Thanks dear friend!
    With love,
