Sunday, April 18, 2010

Testing...One, Too, Three More?

Wild Bill and I have been talking about making videos, yet where do we start? What do we say? Who are we reaching out to?

Since we start each day with a REV3 we thought, why not start there? Our daily REV3 experience begins with Wild jumping out of bed, yes he really gets up that way, and bringing us back two champagne flutes filled with REV3 and a frozen raspberry. There is no way I want videos of us in bed drinking REV3 first thing in the morning. So, we cleaned ourselves up, went to the kitchen and started playing around with the camera.

Below are some of the results. It would mean a lot to get your feedback on our effort. They are short little videos, all under a minute, and I learned some valuable lessons while making them. Here are some thoughts on the lessons learned. The credits at the end are way too slow and take up way too much of the total time. I will shorten and condence the time for credits in future videos. We took a lot of videos and deleted most of them. In the future we will take even more videos and delete way more with the intention of having a better finished product.

So, who are we reaching out too? Our friends and people that may be attracted to us. Why would anyone be attracted to us, anyway? Our intention is to make people lives better. We do that by being a friend, listening, sharing information, being authentic, showing what it means to be in a commited relationship, working well together, leadership, helping others where we can and anything else that may add value to others. At the same time there is so much seriousness in the world and we want to have as much fun as possible doing what we love, which is sharing the vision of Dr. Myron Wentz, he dreams of a world free of pain and suffering. That is a vision we embrace and why we love USANA Health Sciences.

Thank you for viewing the tiny videos below. We welcome your feedback.

Dragging Your Anchor One

Dragging Your Anchor Too

Dyann Loves REV3

Want Energy Pop the Top

When I Want Energy

Every day we are getting better at what we do and everyday we learn new things and ways to be better people. We appreciate you and thank you for your friendship.

As Dr. Wentz says, Live life to the fullest in happiness and health!

Thank you and bye for now,


  1. I love it! You are both wonderful, and I find your message, tho short, convincing, fun, and customer-friendly! I used to be the account supervisor with an ad agency (clients included BMW), and I think you are on to something! Love and blessings to you both, Sandra Lewis

  2. Y'all are so sweet! Personally, I'd LOVE to see one of Wild bringing Dyann her Rev3 first thing in the morning. Dyann, you hold the camera as he brings them in the room - Wild will already be presentable (being awake and all) and we'll all know how beautiful you are. Ta-da! (I DARE ya!)

  3. Dyann & Wild,
    Brilliant! Great use of social media. Do you mind if I share them on our Rev3 Facebook Page?

    Can't wait to see more!


  4. Sandra, Thanks for the encouragement! It means a lot and keeps the fires burning! :-D

    Sandy, You dare us? Hmmm...we shall see! ;-)

    Tim, Thanks for your comments. It would be our honor to have you share them. ;-D
