Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Love Your Largest Organ!

I was first introduced to Sense in late 2002. At that time I was really happy with the skincare line I was using and saw no reason to change. Wild, on the other hand had been suffering for a long time with skin issues. His face had a ruddy dry complexion, his fingertips would crack and bleed, his hands were rough and the skin all over his body was dry.

Wild's skin was a mess. Women he worked with were always trying to fix him up with whatever product they were using. He tried them all in anticipation of a solution. Nothing had worked for him, so when we were introduced to Sense he was enthusiastic to try it.

His first experience with Sense was when he shaved off his beard after 30 years and tried the toner as after-shave. It immediately put the fire out and that one thing was the beginning of his love affair with Sense. You see, he had the beard because when he shaved, his face burned like it was lit with a blow torch. The Sense toner changed everything for him and I was rewarded with a man with a clean shaved face. A win-win!

From there, Wild tried the entire skincare line including the body and bath products. I immediately noticed the difference. His hands and body were no longer dry and scratchy and having his hands on me was a lot more fun. His face actually began to change and he looks younger now than he did seven years ago.

While all this wonderful skin transformation was going on with Wild I was doing research and being educated in things I had never fully realized before. In addition to learning that our skin is our largest organ and our first defense against the elements, I was learning all about the toxic chemicals used throughout the skincare industry. Just like food, our skincare is loaded with chemical preservatives to prevent bacteria and molds from growing.

When I learned that Sense was the world's first self-preserving skincare, with no added chemical preservatives, parabens, volatile oils or formaldehyde releasing ingredients, I was excited to try it. To say I was amazed at the fresh feel and light clean scent is an understatement. The first time I used Sense I noticed the difference immediately and I have lovingly used it on my face and body every day since. My skin also looks younger than it did seven years ago because of the exclusive Anti-aging technologies in Sense. All those large pores that I used to have on my face and nose have shrunk and the blackheads I used to be bothered by are long gone. Thank you Dr. Wentz and all the Scientists at USANA that worked for ten years to unlock the secret to self-preserving skincare.

We have been using and sharing Sense with friends for over seven years now and love the compliments we receive when people learn how old we are. We trust our skin and our health to USANA Health Sciences.

Bye for now,

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Testing...One, Too, Three More?

Wild Bill and I have been talking about making videos, yet where do we start? What do we say? Who are we reaching out to?

Since we start each day with a REV3 we thought, why not start there? Our daily REV3 experience begins with Wild jumping out of bed, yes he really gets up that way, and bringing us back two champagne flutes filled with REV3 and a frozen raspberry. There is no way I want videos of us in bed drinking REV3 first thing in the morning. So, we cleaned ourselves up, went to the kitchen and started playing around with the camera.

Below are some of the results. It would mean a lot to get your feedback on our effort. They are short little videos, all under a minute, and I learned some valuable lessons while making them. Here are some thoughts on the lessons learned. The credits at the end are way too slow and take up way too much of the total time. I will shorten and condence the time for credits in future videos. We took a lot of videos and deleted most of them. In the future we will take even more videos and delete way more with the intention of having a better finished product.

So, who are we reaching out too? Our friends and people that may be attracted to us. Why would anyone be attracted to us, anyway? Our intention is to make people lives better. We do that by being a friend, listening, sharing information, being authentic, showing what it means to be in a commited relationship, working well together, leadership, helping others where we can and anything else that may add value to others. At the same time there is so much seriousness in the world and we want to have as much fun as possible doing what we love, which is sharing the vision of Dr. Myron Wentz, he dreams of a world free of pain and suffering. That is a vision we embrace and why we love USANA Health Sciences.

Thank you for viewing the tiny videos below. We welcome your feedback.

Dragging Your Anchor One

Dragging Your Anchor Too

Dyann Loves REV3

Want Energy Pop the Top

When I Want Energy

Every day we are getting better at what we do and everyday we learn new things and ways to be better people. We appreciate you and thank you for your friendship.

As Dr. Wentz says, Live life to the fullest in happiness and health!

Thank you and bye for now,

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What are Go Red for Women Ambassadors?

This time last year I had no idea who or what the Go Red for Women Ambassadors were. I may have heard the term "go red" before but it didn't mean a thing to me. I didn't even like red! I didn't own a single piece of red clothing. I had a red wall in my house because my husband's favorite color is red and I kept peace during a major remodel by not arguing with him over his choice of red for a small wall in our home. I pretty much avoided red as much as possible.

Then a series of events happened and now I have a closet that is looking pretty red these days. In the Summer of 2009 I had the idea to speak to REALTORS about the warning signs of heart disease. I had been a REALTOR for 22 years (hence I only know how to spell REALTOR in caps!) and my late husband, who was a REALTOR, died of a heart attack back in 2001. Later, after I learned the warning signs of heart disease I realized he had exhibited many of them for days, if not weeks, before he died. With the real estate market looking really bleak that Summer it occured to me that REALTORS were incredibly stressed, in an already stressful business at the best of times, and I wanted to do something for them.

I approached a friend from the American Heart Association to tell her all about my idea and asked her if she could help me with handouts listing the warning signs of heart disease. She said something to the effect of: "Dyann, that sounds like a Go Red for Women Ambassador program. Would you be willing to lead it?". That was my first formal introduction to Go Red and little did I know, that, soon I was going to be hooked. After several meetings she connected me with interested women in our community that had stories of survival they wanted to share. I began to invite some of my own friends and found out that many of them had stories too. One dear friend's favorite color is red, so I invited her and darn if she didn't have a great story of survival of her own to share!

Since then we have the beginnings of a thriving Go Red for Women Ambassador program in Tacoma and I am having the time of my life with so many exceptional women who all have a passion to share their stories with the intention of making a difference in our community. Just today three of us spoke at the Olympic Region Clean Air Agency to a group of people that take their health seriously. What a pleasure it was for us to share information that can change the lives of people in that room or perhaps someone they love.

I Go Red to save lives.

Bye for now,

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Three Challenges Of Working From Home!

I love my life and the freedom I have to create each day as I choose. One thing that allows me to do that is my choice to have my own business and work from home. I worked in an office for most of my adult life, the last time was as a REALTOR for 22 years. That qualifies me to know the difference between working in an office environment and a home office environment. They are very different in many ways, especially energetically.

The energy I have in my home office is perfect, because it is exactly what I have chosen to create. I have whatever type of noise, or lack of it, I choose...Whoa! That is not totally true. Let me explain. I work with my husband and we share the same office. Wild, yep, that's his name, (his middle name is Bill and he goes by Wild or Wild Bill) has his own energy, which is very different from mine, and often he creates his own noise. So, that being said I will get back to my thoughts for today.

I love working from home. I walk to my office, right down the hall, whenever I want, wearing whatever I choose. Our roomy office has been custom built, to our exacting standards with all the trimmings, and I enjoy spending time here.

Here are the top 3 challenges I experience working from home:

1. It is easy to get distracted. Oh my gosh, there are so many possible distractions. This is where dicipline and commitment comes into play. Making a list of all the work related activities helps keep me on track so I am able to stay focused and less likely to become distracted.

2. There are no other people around. I love people. Getting to know positive and engaging people, and exchanging ideas with them, is high on my list of enjoyable things to do. I have found networking groups and have met many wonderful people and formed great realtionships.

3. There is no one to be accountable to. I must admit I like this. However, sometimes I have to ask myself: "If I was an employee of mine would I be happy having me as an employee?" I am answering yes, more and more these days. This is another area that requires dicipline and commitment.

The benefits of working from home far outweigh the challenges and may be a future blog topic.

I am curious; if you work from home, what challenges do you face?

Bye for now,

Monday, April 5, 2010

Where do I start?

The first day of my new blog. Where do I start? What do I share? What would anyone be interested in hearing about from me? I am an avid student of the industry I am in, as well as a student of life and living it to the best of my ability. I have big dreams and high expectations of myself, which means I spend a lot of time growing myself and perhaps not enough time being in action. Is writing a blog being in action? Perhaps. Everywhere I go I read that in today's social media world we all need to have a blog. Well, now I have two, as well as a facebook profile, two facebook pages, three twitter accounts, a LinkedIn profile and various other sites to keep up on...where is there time for action?

Thank you for joining me...where ever you are! I am going to write, share whatever comes to mind and then go get in action.

Bye for now!