Saturday, May 22, 2010

Would you like a Free iPad?

Read todays blog post or simply click the link on the bottom for an opportunity to win a free iPad...

What would you be willing to do to get the message out about your favorite company? How far will you go?

What motivates you to success, simply paying it forward or winning top of the line technology for your business? Well either way, this contest is for you! Time to pay it forward and get the word out there about the big launch going on with Unstrapp'd and Social Media Altitude.

Here's the deal: Thousands of bloggers are surfing the net every day, facebook, youtube, twitter, and hundreds of other sites as well. Unstrappd's goal is to get over 100,000 views in the first month of the trailer for their new Reality Show for Entrepreneurs, and we want you to be in the game! You've got the platforms in place, the friends who are like minded. We're asking for your help, but also there's something in it for you!

You've seen the benefits of the new iPad - you can work from anywhere! The size and convenience will keep your business running from the beach, your favorite cafe, out fishing or wherever your heart desires.

Ready to play? Great! The clock starts now and runs until June 15th. Enter into the contest by clicking the link below and read the instructions clearly. Once you enter the contest, sign up as an affiliate for a second chance to win! It's pretty simple, and there are lots of ways to win... try new things, use those lists you've been building and see what type of excitement you can drum up! As you do all of this, you'll learn more about what works and what doesn't.

Want to win? It's easy, all you have to do is enter the contest for one shot at the random drawing, and refer people to the contest as an affiliate. If someone you refer wins, you win too!

We've got up to 3 iPads to give away - when we hit that 100,000 mark, a 3rd winner will be choosen based on recruiting skills, so if you're a hot shot this ones for you! See, everyone wins!

What are you waiting for? Get started NOW!
Bye for now,

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bathing Suit Ready?

Is Summer on your mind? Perhaps that vacation you have been waiting for?

With the sun out and the temperatures rising I would like to share what has worked for me over that past seven years... RESET, To The Rescue.

What is RESET?  In this short video I explain the 5-Day RESET so you can see what it looks like. Here are a few things I would like to add to help make your RESET experience the best it can be.

Most people lose an average of five pounds in five days. At 5' 1" and close to my BMI weight I consistantly lose 3 - 3.5 pounds when I RESET. I have a friend who is taller than me and she always loses 6.5 - 7 pounds in five days. Between us we hit the average of five pounds perfectly.

Often times people want to continue to lose weight. In that case I recommend the next phase of the program, the Transform Phase, and suggest you be prepared. Choose your favorite one or two flavors, chocolate, strawberry or vanilla, and order an extra package or two of the Nutrimeal to have on hand. That way when day six arrives you will have what you need to continue losing weight without feeling hungry or deprived.

If you just want to maintain your weight and get your day off to a fabulous start you'll also want to have these on hand. They taste great, they satisfy my hunger and carbohydrate cravings completely disappear. Many clinical trials have been done through Dr. Ray Strand, MD and there is plenty of documentation to do your research if you'd like. I am one of Dr. Strand's Healthy for Life Program Certified Team Leaders. The number one reason that I do this is for my own benefit. It has worked for me like nothing else has. Click Here for more information on Dr. Strand.

The AM and PM packs in the video include the Essentials, calcium and an antioxidant booster. You will want to have nutritional support of this quality after the five days are up. I highly recommend the Essentials as they have been rated the best nutritional supplement available by third party recommendations. Even better, they have proven to work for me and thousands of other people. Click Here to learn more about the Essentials.

Six Practical tips for doing the 5-Day RESET:
1. Clean out your refrigerator and cupboards of snacks and food that will be tempting.
2. Have a shaker bottle to use for meals when you are away from home.
3. Take the snack bars, fruit or veggies with you for those time you get hungry.
4. Have fresh fruit and veggies on hand, always.
5. Choose five days that you don't have dinner parties and eating events to distract you.
6. Doing everything at least 80% will give you results. At 100% your results will be even better.

I have done the RESET many times and can always count on the following results: weightloss, losing the carbohydrate cravings, feeling more in control, more clear headed and more confidant. Because everyone is different your results will certinally vary.

Wild Bill often joins me and we do the RESET together. Here he shares some magical thoughts on what the RESET can do for you: Click Here to see what Wild has to say!

Happy Mother's Day tomorrow in honor of my Mother Elise and to all the Mom's out there!

Bye for now,